
HR Generalist for Miller Management in 堪萨斯 城市, MO

Bachelor of Arts Media Communication with a minor in Business Administration

Please describe your position and what you enjoy most about it.

我是米勒管理公司的人力资源通才. My role is interesting because I get to dabble in every area of Human 资源: Hiring, 招聘, 加载, 员工关系, 组织发展, 好处, 工资, 人力资源管理软件, 合规, 活动策划, 为客户提供咨询服务. 每天看起来都有点不同! 我喜欢做各种各样的工作, but most of all I enjoy getting to help my peers and my clients. It’s very fulfilling to be able to explain a complex topic to 其他s in a way they can understand, 回答问题, 提供解决方案, 或者帮助他们解决他们遇到的问题.

What aspects of your HLGU experience helped you prepare for your career?

I use so much of the knowledge I gained at HLGU in my every day work. Even though my degree is not in Human 资源, many of the skills I was taught in the Communications department transfer so well to 其他 roles. I can still hear my professor’s voices in my head when I’m writing an email or a document about how to make it “clear, 简洁的, 切中要害”. I often think back to my public speaking courses and marketing courses when I am conducting an interview, 或者写一份招聘广告.

What professional accomplishment are you most proud of?

At my current company, the clients we serve are exclusively churches and non-profits. I am very proud of the fact that I get to directly impact the Kingdom of God with my work because I am helping these churches and ministry organizations thrive. They often don’t know how to write policies, or what is legal, or how to hire the right people. So when I get to step in and help them with HR related work, it makes me incredibly happy and proud to do what I do because I know it’s making an impact!

What HLGU professors played a part in your success? How did your relationship with faculty help you succeed?

Dr. Christina Brennemann was my adviser and one of my main professors during my time at HLGU. She played a huge part in my success because she not only taught me invaluable life lessons, but she also encouraged me and really built a relationship with me during my time there. Six years later and I still am in contact with her, and I know I could reach out to her anytime if I needed to. I am forever grateful for the time I got to spend learning under her.

Please list any scholarships, honors, or awards you received as an undergraduate or graduate.

我有合唱团的奖学金, 在我转学的时候,我的学习成绩, 感谢你成为学生大使.

Do you have any tips to share with students interested in this field?

获得真实生活体验! Take any internships you can find, paid or unpaid, or go volunteer somewhere. The more experience you come out of college with, the easier it will be to land a quality job in your field.


I met my husband (who I’ve been married to for 5 and 1/2 years now) at HLGU, 所以和他在一起的回忆总是甜蜜的! Being proposed to under the arch was one of my favorites. I also met one of my best friends who I still talk to on a weekly basis at HLGU.

What on-campus activities were you involved in at HLGU?

Concert choir, 学生大使, and Student Government.